Friday, November 6, 2015

Fold-able Vegetable Steamer

This vegetable steamer is able to fold and unfold itself into a round stainless steel dish that can be used as a steamer or a fruit plate. It's high quality stainless steel and will look nice in any kitchen.

Attached to the vegetable steamer folded up came an entire instruction paper that tells you how to use it , how to open and to probably sanitize before use.

It comes folded up inside of the box the legs facing upwards. You pull from the center where a vacant hole lies and it begins to unravel into a bowl like dish. There are also instructions on how to properly un fold this on the side of the box and shows step by step the process.The middle can be screwed down and adjusted to how you like.

Space Saver Vaccum Storage Bags

Space Saver bags ! I was in desperate need for these types of bags that you pack your blankets, pillows or clothes into and vacuum out the remaining air. I had to put away a lot of my summer clothes for next year and bring out my fall/winter clothes. Inside of the huge pack comes five 100 x 80 cm storage bags in which you can store your personal belongings in. They are really huge and can fit a whole lot of stuff. In this came a free hand pump which definitely came in handy for me because i didn't have a vacuum.

On the back of each individual bag you will see a green nozzle like cap, twist that off and then twist the end of the pump onto that nozzle. Then begin pumping out the air out of the bag and slowly, but surely if you are using the hand pump see it shrink.

I was able to fit quite a lot inside of my first bag and successfully pumped out all the air. In the bottom drawer I stored it away like so to later be brought out for next year to be worn again!

No Mildew!
No Water!
No Insects!
No Odor!
No Dust!

Perfect for keeping your clothes and home blankets, pillows and sheets protected.