Pinch Me is a sample box that is sent out bi-weekly or every month on every other Tuesday. In order to sign up you can use your email or social media accounts. They will ask for you to send a code to your phone in order to activate your account and then from there you are ready for the following Tuesday. In the past, they had issues with running out of samples and not having enough supply for everyone who was trying to get a box. Now you are only allowed to pick and choose up to three samples inside of your box, transfer it to check out. This is completely free and once your box is shipped you will receive it in sometimes about a month depending on where you live and how fast it ships.

Inside of my box, I got a few samples inside that were being offered last month that I was able to get in on. There is always a $100 Wine Voucher that you will nearly almost always get inside of your box which is a code to get $100 off when you purchase $160 in wine. If you like wine then feel free to use those vouchers when you get them. One of the samples I got and I have seen before is an Olay Sample of lotion. I love to keep these inside of a bin in my bathroom for when I run out I can just reach beside the tub and grab one. It came with a $1.00 off coupon. In most cases there may even be coupons that come with the products inside of your boxes as well as the sample. The second sample was a Breathe Right strip which you place across your nose for when you can't breathe at night and may even have a cold. My last sample was a Playtex Sport Combo which comes with liners and tampons inside. These are fantastic to have as women to save up and use on 'that time of the month'.
Have you ever gotten a PinchMe Box? Do you like their system? Let me know! Drop a comment down below.
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